Project Description

Project Brief

Ground Handling Logistics

We created Arabia mobile application to facilitate handling passengers’ logistics needs, to save time, ensure quality and boost the user and worker experience.

Revolutionary Step In Logistics

The Benefits of the Application

We were trying to perform outstanding mobile app development for Arabia business app since it’s an admin panel and tool to organize work, facilitate customer satisfaction, saving more time and assuring top quality.
Our team has designed and developed the Arabia mobile app in a friendly and professional way to be both easily used and achieves the required.

Time Saving 98%
Organizing Work 92%
Customer Care 96%
Quality Control 98%

Initial Concept Planning

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Drafts & Revisions

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Final Delivery

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Special features

Even though Arabia application has 3 different UI according to the responsibilities and duties of the worker, each UI has special features to facilitate the worker job. For example; app lock feature that allows locking the mobile from the application in case of long breaks, end of a shift, etc..

Excellent Results

Our mission to change the world for better through technology has been always our minaret to design and develop a big project as Arabia.
Arabia mobile application will change the definition of qualified logistic services.
It would allow the the best way to use resources, organize the workflow and save time and money.