How To Come Up With An Idea For A Super Mobile App ?!

After you knew how important it is to have a mobile application for your business by reading:-

the 7 Reasons driving You to develop a business mobile app  (Don’t miss reading the full article, click here).

You might be thinking now of a hundred ideas for your mobile app, or you might not.

So, How to come up with an idea for your mobile app ?!


In the next lines, we will be sharing with you the 7 effective steps for  a one million app

(Interested to know more about what the one million app is, click here for the full article)  

First, you need to know that all great mobile apps began as ideas. If you don’t have an app idea, you need to train yourself to:-

how to come up with mobile app idea

1- Take a Closer Look at your Business

You know your business the best, don’t you?

Be 100% sure that no one knows your company better than you do.

  • What type is your business? Are you offering some tangible goods or services

Do you do your business online or offline?

Do you do your business locally or globally?

  • Make sure you have a clear strategy for your business.
  • Where are you standing and where do you want to go with your business?
  • Look deeper into your business to highlight your competitive advantage

(i.e) What makes your business stands out; what is the physical characteristics of your business.

Looking into these points mentioned above will help you determine which ideas match your overall company theme.

The character of your company can mostly be defined by the values the company represents and the actions it actually takes.


2- Take a Closer Look at Your Customers

Marketing is a closed circuit, You need to learn a lot about your customers by watching and listening to them.

Are you a part of their daily routine?

Can you be a part of their daily routine? of course, you can.


Map out the path they follow while using your product.

Customers appreciate their time, as far as they are using your service/good that means you provide a value.


First: Learn on which stage of their life they tend to use your service/good.


Second: What they mostly do with their other time


Reach your customers where they are most likely be

Have you asked yourself why most of the bank offers both online banking and a banking app?

Although the features and services available on both are identical. Why this duplication? “Customer convenience” is the answer.

if the customer is on the move and only have access to his mobile device, logging into the app would be faster than logging onto the banking website.

The Ease of having the information easily via an app put you closer to your customers.



3- What’s Your Business Plan

Make sure you know quite well what do you want to do next.

1- Are you looking for more “brand awareness”; trying to reach new potential customers?

2- Are you already well known and your aim is to create an engaging channel with your customers?

increase your sales

3- Are you trying to increase your sales (selling products/ services through your app)?

4- Are you trying to make benefits out of your popularity by displaying ads on your app?

Determining what do you want to do next, will help you find a suitable idea for your app.

For Example, If you are selling tangible goods:

Promoting a digital catalog or loyalty cards will reduce the number of copies you print and will be easily accessed by your customers.



4-Watch Out Of Your Competitors!

With no doubt, your competitors are doing all they can to take a step on you.

Your competitors will always work on the latest trends.

Their teams will be always trying to discover new and innovate methods to stand out

Even though if they have to copy any of your ideas.

It’s not enough to know where do you stand, you need to know where are your competitors are too.

By diving deep into the strategies your competitors are using, you can You can overcome them.


You can’t copy all of your competitors’ steps, we suggest using their strategies as a platform to build your own creations.

The process of generating ideas doesn’t have to be always unique or genuine.


Starting from where others end or achieving what they have fallen apart could be a great idea too.

Following up with their customers’ feedback, their reviews, and complaints will help you to create a bigger, stronger app.



5- Expose Yourself to App Development Environment

Ideas don’t come out of the blue; Ideas are connections made among countless data already existing in our minds.

The more you are exposed to this tech environment the better your idea is.

Choose multiple applications –related to the same/different industry as yours.

Navigate through their description, icon, screenshots, reviews and

Use the “similar app” option to move from one to another.

Seeing what others have created, what can be improved and what’s missing will improve your thinking skills.

Take notes and think of better solutions. “Think like the customer’



6- Turn the desire to a need!

People will always have different definitions for both of “need” and “want”.

Economics simply identify a need as:-  something we need in order to survive, this includes things like food, water,.. etc


On the other hand a want, in economics, is simply something that people desire to have. BUT, that they may, or may not, be able to obtain.

Desire could reach the need level only when connected to emotions, people would feel their life missing a lot without it.

For example: think of Facebook, Uber, Souq … etc. Using them on daily basis are becoming a necessity

Your one million mobile app has to turn the desire to a need.



7- Write Down a Certain Number of Ideas per Day

Finally, believe in yourself and remember there’s no such thing as a bad idea.

As a consequence, Instead of pressing yourself to get one good idea, put a plan for x amount of ideas.

Making this process as a daily routine will train your mind to develop solutions on an on-going basis.

In the end, you will inevitably find some good ideas that can be good for your business.




1- Take a Closer Look at your Business

2- Where are you from your customers?!

3-What’s Your Business Plan

4-Watch Out Of Your Competitors!

5- Expose Yourself to App Development Environment

6- Turn the desire to a need!

7- Write Down a Certain Number of Ideas per Day



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