Dream big with your “One Million App”


We’re glad you made it through here.

Your enthusiasm to move forward with creating a mobile app for your business is increasing and that’s great.

Still doubting why you should get a mobile app for your business.

Make sure you have read the 7 reasons driving You to develop a business mobile app (Read the full article, click here).

Honestly, we don’t just want you to have ANY mobile app for your business.

We have been always believed at ElMnassa of  “Dreaming big”.

That’s why our aim for you is to create a mobile app for your business that will worth one million.


So, How can you really turn your app into a one million app?!

After working in this field for a while, we can share some important things like:-

  • Some of the obstacles you might face and how to overcome them.

Some of the points we will cover in this part:-

  • Some technical issues need your attention.
  • Core issues; the idea or the value of your app.
  • Misreading your customers’ feedback.


We will also provide you with some useful tips about:

  • How to get 100% benefit out of your business mobile app even if it was a free app?.

Some of the points we will cover in this part:-

  • Free or Paid, Which one to choose!
  • How to get benefit from your free app.


Some technical issues that need your attention.

No matter how well performing your mobile app, it won’t be immune to bugs and glitches.

Your key for a well-performing mobile app with zero bugs is “continuous testing”.

The constant precaution helps your developers in catching bugs early and assuring the running of your mobile app smoothly.

Here are some security issues you should prepare yourself for:

1- Getting the “Code” from a hacker

2- The double-edged weapon of “Caches”

3- Vulnerable encryption or no encryption at all.

4- Servers’ security breach

5- Slow upgrading and patching

6- Insufficient Testing


1- Getting the “Code” from a hacker

As much as it’s weird, it’s actually happening.

Many app developers do not invest their time in building a code from the scratch

Instead, they use ready-made codes and customize them into their own app.

It definitely takes a lot of time to develop an app from scratch.

Thus, is a lot of free code exists if you don’t have enough time. BUT Take good care where you get your codes from.

A lot of hackers love to create codes hoping that someone will use them in their mobile apps.

You have to do your homework and Look for the origin and the source of this code.

Make sure that even if you will have to use code from a third-party source, that they are trustworthy.

Read the code line by line to make sure it’s flawless of any scams.



2- The double-edged weapon of “Caches”

Although Caches (short-term information) could be a grace for increasing the speed of mobile devices counter to laptops and desktops.

It could be also a curse, as caches make mobile devices more vulnerable to security breaches

Because simply hackers may access the cached information easily. What to do?!

Require security questions for your app  “like a password” However, most users are not fond of passwords.

You could program your app to require a password weekly,  Or After the usage of the app for a certain number of times.

You can also try to program the cache to be wiped in every reboot.



3- Vulnerable encryption or no encryption at all.

Encryption is your first line of defense against hackers. Encryption means converting important information and data into codes.

Especially that many apps save sensitive users’ data, such as their bank information or other personal information and photos.

However old encryptions won’t stand in the rise of technology, you need to be upgraded always.



4- Servers’ security breach

Some apps as mentioned above tend to store users’ personal information or even important bank details.

Securing your application only won’t be enough, because you are working in two directions now.

As most of these apps acquire connecting back to a server, this server should be secured through encryption SSL certificates.



5- Slow upgrading and patching

Once you launch your business mobile app, you might become at risk of violating your code by hackers.

Your work actually is not finished even after you launch your app.

Hackers are working so hard to break your secured codes and find it’s weak points.

You need to update your mobile app and fill the gaps you discovered after launching your app.

There are no compromises when your app is dealing with users’ confidential data like credit cards and personal information.



6- Insufficient Testing

As per BTG (Blanco Tech. Group), 85% of iOS apps suffer from performance failures like crashing, shutting down or rebooting

As mentioned before and you can clearly see there are dozens of mobile applications, with a lot of similarities.

Only a few will stand out, be recognized and loved by the audience. If you fail to get the users’ first good impressions, you won’t have a second chance

Make sure you invest more time for quality testing your apps even after launching them.


What if the issue is that your app is not good enough ?!


Your idea or the value of your app.

The first brick is very important you will actually be building your whole entity over it.

Do you have a severe issue with your app, idea, strategy or your target audience wasn’t clear?

If you still haven’t come up with an idea for your mobile app or if you want help with it

(Get back to our article, How to come up with an idea for a super mobile app ?!)


Poor Research (Insufficient data)

Great ideas don’t bring you success, researches do.

You might have one kind of a mobile app idea but it might not have enough audience to share with.

Before thinking about your idea, do some research and find out who is your audience and how to reach them.  

Otherwise, you won’t be able to guarantee if users will love your app.


Misusing The Platforms & Incompetent UI

Android and iOS are completely different interfaces, gestures

For example, Android users are used to “back button” which is built into the devices. Apple devices don’t have it.

Failing to consider for these specific gestures you’re affecting your user’s experience badly.

Based on research done by Quettra, 77%of daily mobile app users stop using the app after the third day.

The small details do matter, things like

  • Lagging or slow performance of your app.
  • Long loading period.
  • Long registration and requirements.
  • Difficult or unaccessible features


A Poor Marketing Strategic plan For Your Mobile App

Even if you have the perfect idea and market, you need a strong strategy for your mobile app to grow.

The market cycle will boost your mobile app towards success.

  • Product: is the mobile app delivering the right message.
  • Platform: is the mobile app using the right platform and tools.
  • Promotion: is the mobile app being promoted with the right channels.
  • People: is the mobile app delivering the right message to the right people.

The more your strategic plan is better the better is your benefit out of your business mobile app.


Misreading your customers’ feedback.

A continuation of the previous point, an important part of your marketing plan should be “customer service”

Even if you don’t provide a product/ service that acquires having a customer service department.

You should be doing this anyway, collecting the reviews and feedback of your users’ is very essential.

Learning what they liked more and what they don’t like and their suggestions to do enhance your mobile app.

Launching a business mobile app is not a lifetime event, it MUST be followed by continuous development.


NOW after we come to this critical part we need to answer a very important question

How to get 100% benefit out of your business mobile app even if it was a free app.

Whether to choose a free app or a paid app? And even if you choose a free app how to get benefit out of it



Whether to choose a free app or a paid app?

Do you have to charge your users to download your app ?!

Well, there is no right and wrong answer to this question. It will always differ from one case to another.

If you want to focus on providing a high-quality service for a selected audience, why not to make them pay.

However, if your app is just complementary to your business like (hotel apps), it’s not right to think the same.

“The figures below shows the number of paid vs. free apps on both play store and apple store.”



So what’s the difference between free and paid apps:-  



  • Numbers:


Free apps would be calculated by the quantity “numbers of downloads”.

On the other hand, the paid apps will be calculated by the quality of the users.

  • Probability to be downloaded:-

Users are most likely take the step to download the free apps, to use them and keep them if they like them.” nothing to lose”

While Users might think more often before paying for an app.

  • Expectations:

Users are not expecting the same from a paid app like a free app

The more users expect to get the more they might be disappointed.


Since we have addressed this subject, we need to talk about,

How you can gain profit from your free app.

We will give some ideas of how possible you can gain profit out of your free app:

1- Advertisements

2- In-app purchases

3- Special upgraded features



Getting paid by other companies or businesses to show their ads on your application. This could be very profitable but you need to be cautious.

If the ads are not relevant or too much, this will affect your users’ experience.


In-app purchases

An in-app purchase provides extra features and additional services.

These upgrades help to increase the engagement of the users in addition to their user experience to the mobile app.


Special upgraded features

This upgrade could be “ not seeing more ads” while they are using the app.





Dream big, you don’t know how far you can reach. BUT

Make some decent research and plan for each step before taking the move.

Always Preceded by a step and be familiar with the issues you might face, whether technical or not.

Creating an app is a process with no end point, you need to keep improve your app and learn from the mistakes you – or your users find.

There is no right or wrong answer for choosing to have a free or paid app.

You can get benefits from your free app as well as your paid app, you need first to have a clear and strong strategy.

Marketing your mobile application is as important as having a good mobile app.


Are you ready to join the mobile app revolution?

ElMnassa has the capability to deliver a full range of mobile development services in both of Android and iOS system.


